Fossil Excavation

Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week during which they have been learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils.

They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. They then became artists and drew a detailed portrait of Mary Anning. Some even included her tools such as a chisel and hammer whilst others also drew ammonites. Later on in the week,  they had a go at being a palaeontologist, just like Mary Anning. Carefully, they tried to remove chocolate chips from a cookie. We all pretended the chocolate chips were fossils and we had to gently scrape around the biscuit to try and remove them in one piece. It was a very difficult job and the children realised that Mary Anning had such resilience and perseverance to excavate a whole Ichthyosaurus.

Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education.

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