Marvellous Maths

In maths, Year Six have already completed a unit of work on place value and are now working on calculations.

During the Place Value unit of work, the children have developed a clear understanding of what each digit in a number represents within ones, tens hundreds, thousands up to ten million. They are also able to read and write numbers up to ten million.  This has helped prepare the children for work on calculations and understanding the importance of the value of each digit.

This week, they have moved on to the work on calculations. To begin with, the children worked on addition and subtraction, using both mental and written methods. The children were able to use mental and written addition and subtraction methods accurately which is a great start. After this, we moved on to using the methods within problems. The children annotated questions and then completed necessary calculations. This was completed well with great efforts shown.

Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education.


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