Exploring the Egyptians

In Year 3, our history topic this half term has been the ancient Egyptians. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about this period of history. We began by exploring images and artefacts – making predictions about what they were and asking questions about them. We then looked at the importance of the River Nile to the ancient Egyptian civilisation and the children created mind-maps showing the many reasons it was essential.  Mummification proved to be a very popular topic! The boys and girls created some excellent recounts of the process and were fascinated to hear that the brain was removed through the nose and organs were stored in canopic jars. They were also intrigued by the ancient Egyptians use of hieroglyphs and loved having a go at writing their own name on a cartouche. Most recently, they have been learning about Pharaoh Tutankhamun and the discovery of his tomb. They imagined they were the archeologist Howard Carter and wrote a diary entry about his discovery and all of the wonderful things he found.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.


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