Amazing artists

This week in art, year 3 explored various types of printing.  The children first explored how using ink and ink rollers on different items, such as Lego, corrugated card and sand paper, can create different textures. They then moved on to monoprinting which allowed the children to make a print using the ink. Using images linked to the ancient Egyptians, the children began by sketching their design onto paper and then transferring them into their books using the new technique. Finally, the children looked at creating their own stamp blocks. They began by sketching hieroglyphic designs in their book and picking their favourite one. They very carefully drew their chosen image onto their Styrofoam block. Then they used the ink rollers to cover their stamps and printed their design into their books. Each child assessed their work focussing on what went well and how they could improve next time.

Article 31 – We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.

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