Lego Club Creations

This half term, some of the Year Two children attended Lego Club. They built fantastic models, used their problem-solving skills and even took part in an investigation.

First, the boys and girls created a Lego maze using the boards and bricks. To begin, the children ensured their maze had an entrance and exit point, using a marble to test the route. However, it wasn’t long before the children were making their mazes more complicated, with the addition of dead-ends, multiple levels and even covering the maze completely. The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed testing out one another’s creations.

Next, the children took part in an investigation. They worked in teams to build a boat using Lego. The children had to consider the shape of their boat and how to make it watertight. They realised that having a wider base improved the chance of their boat being able to float.

Finally, the children took inspiration from Bits and Bricks – a Lego coding game – to create their very only Lego robot. The children used their imagination to create robots of all shapes and sizes, and even added sticky eyes to bring their creations to life. Next, they used squared paper to create a map for their robot to follow, adding trees, bridges and trap doors for an extra challenge.

In their last session, the children had the opportunity to play Bits and Bricks using the laptops. They had to code the Bits (Lego robots) to try and save the Kingdom of Cybit from the dangerous Teravirus.

Article 31: We all have the right to rest, relax and play.



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