Sketching Superstars!

Over the past three weeks, Year 6 have been learning a range of techniques to develop their sketching skills including hatching, blurring, reflections and showing movement.

During this block of work, Year 6 have experimented with different gradings of pencils and have seen that the 6B pencil will naturally produce a softer and lighter tone than the 4H pencil. This has allowed them to consider which pencil to use for different parts of their sketches. They have then used a range of shading styles to create an apple and pictures showing reflections in water. This was done using a range of video tutorials and teacher demonstrations with the children determined to make theirs as close as possible in style to the examples given.

At the end of the block, the children were able to combine their skills to create a sketch of a plane flying over water with the reflections below. There were some excellent efforts and we definitely have some artists of the future in the year group.

Article 29: We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.

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