Last Thursday our Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics teams took part in the Gateshead SSP Indoor Athletics Finals which was held at Gateshead Stadium.
We qualified a few weeks ago which meant we were one of 10 schools to take part.
Our team was made up with 12 boys and 12 girls and they all worked together as a team to earn points for our school.
The competition was split in to 2 sections field and track events all pupils who took part competed in at least one field and one track event.
We did exceptionally well and finished second overall in Gateshead and took the silver medals back to Harlow Green.
This means We will now represent Gateshead at the county Finals which will be held after Christmas.
well done everyone this is a unbelievable achievement especially when over 70 schools started the competition and we finished second!
Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities