This term in PE, Year Two have been learning gymnastics.
First, the children learnt how to show a quality standing position, with their feet together and their arms by their sides. They used this as the way to start their gymnastics sequences.
Next, the boys and girls practised some different stepping techniques. They learnt how to do a straight leg step and then a bent leg step. They worked in pairs to mirror one another and took it in turns to copy their partners’ movements.
After that, Year Two learnt some different key shapes including star, arch and tuck. They tried very hard to hold these positions with pointed toes and fingers. They also practised some balances including a knee balance, flamingo and arabesque. It was very challenging to stay still while balancing on one leg but the children persevered.
The boys and girls are looking forward to developing their gymnastics skills further this term.
Article 29: We all have the right to develop our personalities, talents and abilities.