Keeping Healthy

This term as part of their Humans and other Animals unit in Science, Year Two have been learning all about how to keep themselves healthy.

First, the children found out about how humans change as they grow. The boys and girls were able to identify lots of ways they have changed since they were babies and could also explain what changes may happen as they get older.

Next, Year Two identified the basic needs of humans and other animals. Did you know that we all need air, water, food and shelter in order to survive?

After that, the children learnt about the importance of a healthy balanced diet. They looked carefully at the Eatwell Plate and identified some of the different types of food that we need to eat as part of a healthy diet. They saw that it is important to eat a range of different foods to ensure that our bodies get everything they need to stay healthy. The children then looked at some of our school dinners and identified which section of the Eatwell Plate the food belonged to. They also designed their own healthy meals, using the Eatwell Plate as a guide.

Finally, it was time to think about how exercise can help us to stay healthy. The children tried different movements and recorded which of them increased their heart rate and made them breathe faster. They identified that exercise helps our bodies to get stronger and helps us all to stay healthy.

Article 24 – We all have the right to information which keeps us safe and healthy.



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