This half term, we have been thoroughly enjoying a weekly music session with Miss Christy from Gateshead Music Service. Each week, our music activities have been engagingly linked to our topic themes, allowing the children to deepen their understanding of music in a meaningful context.
Throughout our sessions, we have learned how to play in time with a steady beat, as well as how to copy simple rhythms. The children have also been introduced to symbols and musical notes, which serve as prompts when playing our varied percussion instruments. This hands-on approach has not only enhanced their musical skills but has also fostered a sense of teamwork and collaboration.
Particularly this week, we had great fun exploring our African-themed activities. The children delighted in learning how to sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” in Swahili, creating a vibrant and immersive experience. Additionally, we learned a simple African counting song, which further enriched our musical journey.
The highlight of the sessions so far, was undoubtedly our time spent playing the African drums. The children enthusiastically participated in copying rhythms, which was a joyful experience for all involved.