The Passover

In RE this week, the Year 6 children have been learning about the importance of Moses and The Passover festival to people of the Jewish faith.

The children enjoyed listening to the story of the Passover and were particularly interested in the ten plagues. They then created a storyboard which reflected their good understanding of the story. Following this, the children watched a video about  Jewish people’s activities during the festival. The video showed how the Jewish people celebrate and the items of food they would have on a Seder plate, a special plate containing symbolic foods eaten or displayed at the Passover. The children drew and labelled their own Seder plate with attractive and informative results.

After thoughtful discussion, the children agreed the story of The Passover teaches us to value freedom. It reminds us that people should not try to impose their will or beliefs on others. In sad and difficult times, it reminds us that Spring will always come again. Important messages for us all.

Article 13: We all have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with others.

Article 14: We all have the right to follow our own religion.

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