We have followed the children’s interests in holidays and the seaside and looked at ‘under the sea’. Together we have looked at different sea animals and their habitats, thinking thought about how they move, and then recreated their actions. Our story of the week has been ‘Rainbow Fish’ and we discussed sharing and why it is important. The children then created their own rainbow fish using shiny CDs and different materials. To improve our fine motor grip, we have been using tweezers to place cheerios onto the starfish for their suckers. The children have also tried really hard with their scissor control and practicing cutting in a straight line by adding tentacles onto jellyfish. In the water tray, we became divers and used nets to hunt for fish in the coral, we then tallied on a clipboard how many fish we found. We then explored ‘recycling’. We thought about all of the rubbish we have seen left on the beach and how it can harm animals. The children had great fun sorting the rubbish into recycling bins – plastic, card, paper, glass, and metal. The children have enjoyed completing the under the sea Cosmic Yoga on Youtube for their exercise when the weather has been really rainy.
Songs of the week: ‘I have a little turtle’ , ‘1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive’ and ‘A sailor went to sea sea sea’
Stories of the week: ‘Rainbow Fish’ and ‘Sharing a Shell’.