We’re Going on an Autumn Hunt!

We have been so busy in Reception this week! Here are just a few things we have been learning all about.


In Reception this week, we have been learning all about the season of Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk around school to identify the changes we noticed, looking at colours, sounds and the weather. The children found that the leaves on most of the leaves on the trees are changing in colour from green to bright reds and yellow colours. They also found that the leaves are beginning to fall to the ground and when we walk through them, they sound crisp and crunchy. As part of topic we have been painting our own Autumn coloured trees and creating leaf rubbing pictures using tracing paper and crayons. The children enjoyed reading the story ‘Leaf Man’ and creating their own pictures using natural materials of leaves and sticks.


Our Literacy text this week was ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. The children worked hard to listen to the story and recall the story order. They could retell the story in the small world using the characters from the story and their imagination.


In maths this week we have been creating our own perfect patterns. The children learnt what an A-B-A-B repeating pattern was and created their own using beads and string, pegboards, Unifix blocks, Numicon in the painting and natural resources from our Autumn walk. They have also been using body percussion to make patterns of different sounds using claps, stomps and clicking.

Article 13 – We all have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with others. 

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education. 

Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our personalities, talents and abilities. 

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