A Cracking Christmas Lunch!

The school catering team excelled themselves once again with a Christmas lunch that was enjoyed, literally, by hundreds!

To get everything ready, teachers and Teaching Assistants prepared the room so that the tables were covered, and crackers set out, whilst the all-important cooking was going on behind the scenes.  Then, from 11.15am, it was all action as each class came in for their sitting, over the next two hours.

During the meal, as the Christmas music played, everyone chatted, told jokes and even ate sprouts, all with huge grins on their faces.  The event does what it always does – brings people together in merriment and joy!

We know no one can replicate the personal home-cooked Christmas dinner but children always remember their school Christmas dinner as being time they enjoyed greatly and this was definitely achieved.

A huge thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly to make this an enjoyable experience for the children this year, I know they greatly appreciated it all.

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