We have had a super week at Nursery this week! Our focus during small group times has been; ‘bees and flowers’. The children have loved learning about the importance of bees in the garden, and how we can bring bees to the garden. We have planted some seeds to grow our own flowers to attract the bees. The children now know that bees need flowers to collect the nectar and pollen to take it back to the hive to turn it into honey. We have explored honeycomb, looking at the texture using our 5 senses, we now know beehives are made up of hexagons! The children then used honey to make honey sandwiches. They were delicious. We enjoyed going on a walk around the field to look for different flowers which the bees will like. We found daisies, blossom, dandelions, bluebells, and dandelion clocks. We have used the different flowers to make potions in the water tray and mud kitchen.