The children began this week by receiving a mystery parcel, which turned out to be a letter and a toy Humpty Dumpty from the REAL Humpty Dumpty. The letter kindly asked the children to help Humpty to sing Humpty Dumpty and to find him a new coat that will stop him from cracking if he falls off another wall. This led to the children building a wall using blocks and drawing Humpty’s face on hard boiled eggs. The children then predicted which materials they thought would make the best coat and why. After that, the children tested out the materials by wrapping the hard-boiled eggs in the materials and pushing the eggs off the wall. This week the children also sang The Big Ship Sails, made their own sailing boats using junk modelling and predicted whether or not they thought their boat would float or sink and why. Immediately after, they tested their sailing boats in the water tray and explained their findings. On Friday, after singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, the children started to create star baubles for our Nursery Christmas tree.
In the small world area, the children have enjoyed singing Old McDonald Had A Farm and identified a range of animals and animal noises. In the playdough area, lots of children have baked and sold current buns whilst singings 5 Current Buns and made pots of tea in the home corner. In the water tray, lots of children have used the fishing nets to fish out the fish (linked to 1,2,3,4,5) and used the tweezers to pick out the spiders in the funky fingers area (linked to Incy Wincy Spider). They have also enjoyed writing prescriptions and looking after Miss Polly’s dolly and creating fish and sheep pictures linked to Baa Baa Black Sheep and ‘1,2,3,4,5.’