Valentine’s Day, princesses, princes and weddings

This week the children have focused on princesses, princes, Valentine’s Day and weddings in Nursery. The children started this week by listening to a story called ‘Guess how much I love you’ and discussing who they love, a special thing they like to do with their loved one and different ways they could be kind to this loved person. Some children then decided to make a Valentine’s Day card and other Valentines crafts. On Wednesday, the children learned about what a wish is and then made their own wishes whilst wearing Miss Bloomfield’s special crown and holding Miss Bloomfield’s magic wand. The children were then encouraged to draw their own wish on a special heart piece of paper and then add their drawing onto Miss Bloomfield’s wish tree. In the outside area, some children then made their own magic wand using sticks and ribbon and made their own love potions in the mud kitchen. This week the children have also listened to a story called ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and learned the lyrics and actions to ‘There was a Princess long ago’. On Friday, the children also talked about what a wedding is, where weddings take place at, who takes part in a wedding and what they may wear.

Article 12 – We all have the right to say what we think and to be listened to.

Article 17 – We all have the right to be given safe and honest information that we can understand.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.

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