This week in Nursery the children have focused on the King’s coronation and London. They started this week by listening to a story called ‘The king’s crown’ and discussing who our King is, where our king lives and what happens at a coronation. The children then created their own crowns and biscuits for our tea party on Friday and looked at famous landmarks in London such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. The children also talked about what kind of food they may have at a royal tea party and in the writing area, some children were encouraged to make a list of the food they would like to eat. On Friday, the children looked at photos of King Charles III from different points of his life and worked together to sequence them into the correct order. In the outside area, lots of children were challenged to work together to build a palace using large construction equipment, such as planks and crates. In the finger gym area, lots of children threaded beads onto string to make a necklace for the new Queen and made flags in the creative area. In the water tray, lots of children practised their pouring skills whilst making pretend drinks for others and developed their mathematical skills whilst correctly counting out the correct number of pom poms to place on each numbered crown. During PE, the children played a range of party games to celebrate the King’s coronation.
Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.
Article 31 – We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities.