Ramadan and Eid

In Religious Education, Year Two have been learning about the Islamic celebrations of Ramadan and Eid. First the children found out that Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, which is based on the moon. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The boys and girls compared this to how Christians may choose to give up a particular food during Lent. They found out that Muslims get up very early in the morning during Ramadan to have a meal called suhoor before the sun rises. This meal contains food such as eggs, bread, rice, fruit and vegetables. During the hours of daylight, Muslims do not eat or drink anything. Then, after the sun has set they enjoy the iftar meal together which may include rice, meat, samosas, roti and desserts. The children used this information to design their own suhoor and iftar meals. They also found out that children often have a Ramadan calendar with examples of good deeds for them to do each day. Next, the children found out about Eid al-Fitr which is the celebration of the breaking of the fast at the end of Ramadan. They found out that during Eid Muslims often wear new clothes, visit their friends and family, exchange gifts and put up decorations. The children compared this to celebrations that they take part in. Year Two then made Eid cards, thinking carefully about their designs and choosing images that showed some of the important elements of Eid, including visiting the mosque.

Article 30 – We all have the right to use our own language, culture and religion




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