Year 6 Superstars

To all of our Year 6 leavers. We would just like to say how proud of you we are. You have been a fantastic year group who have worked hard, played hard and had fun. Go forward to your secondary schools and keep shining bright.

Year Six Leavers’ Assembly 2

Last six hours of primary school
Goodbye is getting near
The sums and sentences all done
The full stop day is here

Last five hours of primary school
Where everything’s before
The aims and games and crazes
no one’s crazy for no more

Last four hours of primary school
Surrounded by a class
Who’ll scatter soon and not return
when summer’s days have passed

Last three hours of primary school
One final lunchtime play
Instead of chasing friends we try
to chase and catch the day

Last two hours of primary school
The clock hands blur and skid
Signing shirts, remembering
the coolest things we did

Last one hour of primary school
With Sir who understood
And helped me see I could achieve
‘cos he believed I could

Last half hour of primary school
The assembly we all dread
We can not sing – us Year Six kings
The crown slips from our heads

Last ever second of primary school
The full stop rings in our ears
But a thousand chapters left to write
We must vacate our childhood site
For time moves on and time is right –
To leave our wonder years

By Mark Bird


Comments (1)

Thank you so much for using my poem. Please cite. Thank you!

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