The pots and mushrooms have had their first bisque firing in the kiln, this hardens the clay to make a more durable form. The clay is now dry and porous, so will need glazing to add colour and seal the surface. Lindsey explained and demonstrated the process, then the children and residents chose their colour schemes. Glazing can be an unpredictable process so it will be interesting to see how they look after they have their final glaze firing. Towards the end of the session the large mosaic piece that has been worked on over the last few months was grouted, it looks really impressive and will make a beautiful impact on the walls of the Pie In the Sky Cafe.
Next week will be our final session with Lindsey but we have created some beautiful pieces together. After Easter we will be tackling the garden, we hope by then we have some dryer weather so we can all get to work to make the garden a welcoming space.