Terrific Tie-dye

This term in Art, Year Two have been learning about tie-dye. They have then used these techniques to create their own pair of tie-dye socks.

First, the children learnt about the artist Yokisho Wada. The boys and girls found out that she used different dye techniques to create her artwork. Her work is inspired by her Japanese background, although she also uses ideas from around the world. One of her most famous pieces is the ‘Coca-Cola Kimono’ which she created using kasuri  – a dying technique. The children also found out that Yokisho Wada created some of her pieces using shibori. This is a technique where thread is used to tie the fabric before it is dyed. The thread prevents the dye from colouring some parts of the fabric, creating patterns.

Next, the children explored some different tie-dye techniques. They worked in small groups to tie fabric in three different designs: spiral, polka dot and stripes. Once the fabric was tied the children were then able to choose a colour and dye their fabric. Later, the children untied the elastic bands and revealed their designs. The children found that polka dots and stripes worked best.

Now it was time to create their final pieces.  The children looked at their previous work to help them to decide which design and which colour of dye they wanted to use. They then used elastic bands to tie their socks before dying them. Finally, the children revealed their completed designs and evaluated their socks.

Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education

Article 31:  We all have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities


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