Brilliant Bee-Bots!

In Computing, Year 1 have started their new topic all about programming Bee-Bots.

The children began by investigating what the different buttons could do. They were able to identify and use the forwards, backwards, right turn and left turn buttons. It was very tricky to remember that we needed to press go after every instruction! It was even trickier to remember to clear the instructions already given, before programming a new set of instructions. When we made an error we learnt how to debug the programme.  After this, the children had to think of specific commands to make the robot move from the starting point to different shapes on the mat.  We even tried to create a single algorithm to move the Bee-Bot from one shape to another.  This was quite tricky but we all persevered and had lots of fun!

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.

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