Vindolanda Visit

As part of their topic on ‘Leaving a Legacy,’ the children in Year 6 have been studying the Romans and the legacy they left in Britain. The Romans had a huge impact on the local area and this week, we went on a visit to the Roman remains at Vindolana.

Over the day, the children went to the Roman Army Museum and the site of Vindolanda itself. At the Roman Army museum, they were taught by a Roman centurion in an interactive classroom. The children spoke in Latin and counted to ten and were taught about the spread of the Roman Empire across three continents. they then got the opportunity to explore the museum and particularly enjoyed seeing how much force they could put into pulling a bow to fire an arrow.

After a rain hit lunch, the children explored the ruined fort built on the Vindolanda site. It was lovely to see their interest and the eagerness they had in asking questions of the archaeologists carrying out a dig. It may have rained throughout the afternoon, but this didn’t dampen their spirits or their enthusiasm.

Article 30: We all have the right to use our own language, culture and religion.

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