The Willow Hens get Dressed

We were thrilled to have Ruth and Eve from Sylvan Skills working with some of our Year 5 children to re-dress our willow hens. 

Ruth started the session by showing the children how to weave the willow into egg shapes. It can be hard on the hands but they did a really good job, gradually weaving around, under and over to build the form. These were pinned to the ground around the base of each hen. The hens themselves required a little more care. They began with the wings which require close weaving which needs more precision.  These were attached whilst others worked on the main bodies of the hens. Combining two or threes willow rods together to give a swirling representation of feathers.

A good days work and it’s lovely to see our willow hens looking so smart and we now have a group of children who can share their willow weaving skills with others.

The Leadership Principle: Forest School is run by qualified Practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their professional Practice.

Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education.

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