Book Launch

This week the children were introduced to their final English read of Year 5! 

On Monday, the children were asked to draw, write and annotate ideas when they saw the word ‘island’ displayed on the board. We had some interesting ideas, with drawings of palm trees, coconuts and the sea. The children were then introduced to the front cover of ‘The Island’ and were given the opportunity to predict what they think might happen in the story.

On Tuesday, the children looked at the deeper meanings behind the story. The story begins with a man washing up on the shore of an island. When the man arrives in town, the islanders realise that the man is different to them because they are wearing clothes and the man is not. The children created a Venn Diagram where they looked at the similarities and differences of the islanders and the man, realising that they shared a lot of similarities.

The children have enjoyed reading snippets of the story book this week and are excited to see what will happen next.

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education

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