Picnics and Bubbles

We have enjoyed the sunshine in Nursery this week – so much so we decided to have a picnic!

As part of our topic, Adventure Awaits!, we have looked at the season of Summer, sun safety and picnics as our focus. We decided to have a picnic in the Nursery garden during snack time on Wednesday. We first made a graph on PurpleMash to record who wanted which sandwich filling. We had a choice of ham, cheese, jam or butter. We talked about which filling was the most/least popular and counted to check everyone had voted. We then spent time gathering our ingredients and using instruction cards to construct our sandwiches. We also learnt how to spread the butter and jam, and how to use a knife to cut the sandwiches into 4 triangles.

We took our sandwiches, milk and oranges outside to enjoy in the sunshine. We even had a bubble machine and spent time chasing the bubbles around the garden seeing who could pop the most!

Article 12 – We all have the right to say what we think.

Article 24 – We all have the right to healthy food. 

Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education. 

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