Exciting Explorers

This term, in History, Year Two have been finding out about different explorers. They have learned about the lives of Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake and the discoveries they made.

The first explorer that Year Two learnt about was the astronaut Neil Armstrong. They discovered that he was the first person to walk on the moon and they watched footage of the moon landing. The boys and girls had lots of questions about the moon landing and were very interested to learn about how the astronauts explored the moon’s surface before returning to Earth.

Next, the children learnt about Tim Peake, the first British astronaut to visit the International Space Station (ISS). They enjoyed learning about life on the ISS and were amazed to discover that the astronauts had to clean every Sunday to make sure that the Space Station was spick and span! They compared Tim Peake and Neil Armstrong, identifying similarities and differences. Did you know that both Tim Peake and Neil Armstrong were pilots before they became astronauts?

After that, the children found out about Christopher Columbus. They learned that he was one of the first Europeans to travel to the Americas, although he was actually looking for a new route to the Indies.

Finally, the boys and girls thought about how significant individuals throughout history are remembered. They then designed a stamp to commemorate someone of their choice. They thought carefully about what made that person significant and how this could be represented.

Article 28: We all the right to a good quality education.


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