Rain Doesn’t Stop Play

Despite torrential rain our Year 2 children still enjoyed a very busy afternoon in the Forest School. This was a free-play session. Free play allows us see how well children are applying their understanding of things we’ve taught them previously. This term our focus is on Ready, Respectful and Safe in the Forest School, this includes both physical and social boundaries. It also allows the children’s more intrinsic interests to be observed.  These observations then serve as a basis for future planning. We began with a warm up with our Year 6 Outdoor Leaders running a game of Sticky Feet, during the game the children are encouraged to really think about what characteristics help us recognise different animals.

After a few games they could go and choose what they did. Often in sessions like this some children will prefer to be given jobs, others may devise games of their own. Today some children found a tent so they had a go at putting it up. Others collected leaves for mulching, some prepared the poly-tunnel whilst others played in the trees. The atmosphere was very relaxed, the children interacted well with each other and appear to have a healthy sense of competition but with a lot of support for each other. This makes the introduction of skills much easier as they move through their Forest School journey.

The Long-Term Principle: Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.

Article 13: We all have the right to share what we learn, think and feel with others.

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