Christian Weddings

In RE, Year Two have been learning all about Christian weddings. Did you know, a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings?

To begin, the children learned who is involved in a Christian wedding and that the bride and groom usually get married in a church. They then discussed what happens before, during and after a Christian wedding ceremony. Before the ceremony, the couple decide where they want to get married and send invitations to their guests. To demonstrate what happens during the ceremony, the children sequenced pictures to show the order of events. This included singing hymns, saying vows and giving each other rings. After the wedding, the bride and groom have a party with all of their family and friends. They eat cake, listen to speeches and dance.

Next, the children thought about which is the most important part of a Christian wedding. They chose four features and ranked them in order of importance. The boys and girls agreed that the cake was the least important. Many of the children also thought that the bride and groom were the most important part of a Christian wedding because, without them, the ceremony couldn’t take place.

Finally, the children created a mind map of the features of a Christian wedding. They had to draw and label pictures of the key people, places and things that are involved in the celebration. This included the register, Bible and church.

Article 14: We all have the right to follow our own religion.

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