The weather when we cam back this week was cold and frosty, but that didn’t stop Year 6 having an outdoor English lesson that saw them putting some of their forest school skills to good use.
This half-term, the children are studying the book ‘Skellig’ by David Almond in their English lessons. To launch the book, we read the first three chapters where the garage is introduced at the bottom of Michael’s garden. A garage that will ultimately reveal a secret that is central to the whole story.
During the lesson, the children picked out the key information about the garage form the text and thought about what the garage might be like. They then had to use the materials from outside to build a representation of the garage and explain their thinking to the rest of the year group. Some children decided to focus on the overall structure of the garage, whilst others went into more detail about what it would be like inside. After warming up in the classroom, we then discussed the future of the garage and why the boy in the text (Michael) might want it to remain intact.