This Thursday, Harlow Green’s ‘Green Machine’ took part in a regional VEX IQ Robotics tournament. Our team of seven children from year six and year five, demonstrated their skills in engineering, teamwork, cooperation and perseverance, alongside eighteen other teams from schools across the North East. With their robot called Robob, they competed in driving skills challenges and two-team alliance games, to score points by passing a ball and scoring goals. The Green Machine were ranked sixth out of nineteen, which is a huge achievement when the majority of teams were under fifteens from secondary schools. They were then given the judge’s award for best robot design by a Nissan engineer. The Green Machine enjoyed a fantastic experience which has boosted their self-esteem and confidence, and they are ecstatic to have been recognised for their hard work, creativity and determination. The ‘Green Machine’ can’t wait until the next season’s challenge, and the new recruits that will join them!
Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our personalities, talents and abilities.