This term, in Computing, Year Two have been learning how to make music using a computer.
First, the children learnt about the work of Gustav Holst, who composed music about the different planets of the solar system. The boys and girls listened carefully to the different pieces of music and identified how each piece made them feel.
Next, the children started to look at rhythm. Did you know that rhythm is a pattern of long and short sounds? They used counters to compose different rhythms before playing them using a series of taps and claps. Then, they used the rhythm section of Chrome Music Lab to compose rhythms. The children had the opportunity to explore different instruments using the app and then used these to compose a piece of music inspired by an animal.
After that, Year Two explored pitch. They used another section of Chrome Music Lab and quickly discovered that they could change how high or low the sounds were by drawing their shapes higher or lower on their screen. The children had lots of fun experimenting with the different sounds they could make and they are looking forward to composing their own music.
Article 28: We all have the right to a good quality education.