End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6)
Please note that all results are provisional until validated nationally.
In Year 6, reading, mathematics, and spelling, punctuation and grammar are assessed through national tests. This required standard is represented by children achieving 100 or more on a scaled score. Those children who achieve 110 or more are identified as working to a ‘High Standard’. A school will publish the average scaled score in each subject to indicate the attainment of the group as a whole although children will receive their individual scores. For writing, teachers will assess children against the set national criteria and make a judgement based upon the criteria met.
The progress measure for the children in Year 6 indicates whether the children, collectively, have made progress ‘below’, ‘in line with’ or ‘above’ expectation. A positive progress score indicates above, a negative score indicates below and zero would indicate expected progress. However, the differences have to be significant in order to be numerically valid.
The provisional results below are what Harlow Green Community Primary School achieved in 2023 and what the national results are for comparison purposes.
The school is proud that the attainment of the children was above the national averages in all measures. However, we are most proud that the children accessed their SATs without high levels of anxiety and with a confidence that they could simply do their best. This was achieved in the context of accessing a full and enhanced curriculum which has prepared children for their start at secondary school.