Year 6 Weekly English and Maths – 15/06/2020


In English, we will spend two days reading and comprehending the text; one day on the grammar focus and two days planning, writing and editing a text.

Text – Biography:

This week, we will be looking at biographies; these are recounts written about another person’s life. We have included a few examples for you to read. The main focus will be on the life of Tom Daley, who is an Olympic athlete. This year should have been the Olympics, so his story is particularly interesting as he has trained to compete (probably for the last time) and is now unable to.

Tom Daley

Monday 15th – Features of a Biography


The following reading comprehension has three levels from the easiest to the most difficult. Choose a level that is appropriate to you, but remember to challenge yourself.

Grammar Focus

Adding extra information to sentences using parenthesis and relative clauses. This allows us to add more detail and show our knowledge of brackets, dashes and commas. Look at the introduction and see where I have used parenthesis and relative clauses in this post.

Relative Clauses


Use Brackets Dashes and Commas to Show Parenthesis Activity Sheet

Writing Task

Choose somebody that you are interested in to write a biography about. They could be somebody from history, or somebody who is alive today and you are writing about their life so far and what they are famous for. Carry out some research and think about the most important information that you will want to include. Think about your subheadings to help you to decide what information you will need to discover.

Resources to help:

Biography Word Mat

Features of a Biography Checklist

Word Mat Language

Usain Bolt Fact File

J.K. Rowling Fact File


Children should spend 20 minutes at least three times per week using Reading Plus.


In maths, we will spend the week focusing on decimals.

Topic – Decimals

We will look at the place value of decimal numbers; multiply decimal numbers; understand what happens when we times and divide by 10, 100 and 1000; and also begin to explore the link between decimals and fractions.

Resources to help:

Monday – Three Decimal Places

Tuesday – multiply and divide by 10 100 1000


Multiply decimals

Additional activities

Vertical Format – Three Decimal Places

Multiply and divide by 10 100 1000 Activity Sheets



This week, we will be continuing to think about Evolution. We are going to be producing a page for a science book for children where we explain some of the ideas. You can use Purple mash to help structure some of the information you have about Charles Darwin, or to help you to know what to research. During the afternoon sessions, we will beginning to focus on the Romans. Use the following website to listen to  and learn eight songs about Roman life from a musical Rocking Romans! that will help your understanding. There are also lots of other videos that you can watch and enjoy about the Romans. In school, we are going to create storyboards for each different aspect of Roman life.

Roman Music

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