4A Isolation Home Learning – 9/11/2020


Attached is a timetable that ideally you should print off or download if you can and keep handy for an overview of what we would like the children to focus on this week.  The learning has been simplified from school and some of it is using slightly different resources to what we usually do however it should allow children to be more independent in their learning once they are up and running.

Home Learning Timetable – Word

Home Learning Timetable – PDF

The details below for English, Maths and Topic will mirror the days on the timetable.



Attached are this weeks spellings.

Home learning – spellings

The timetable attached shows how we would suggest splitting this work up.  (Monday – look, write, cover, check, Tuesday – pick 5 to write in a sentence, Wednesday – look, write, cover, check, Thursday – pick 5 more to write in sentences and Friday – look, write, cover and test.)

Monday – Speech

The children should write a conversation of between 5 and 10 lines of speech, between Hiccup and Toothless from How To Train A Dragon.  Concentrate on the punctuation.

This conversation can be about anything – it could be about something that has happened in the book or even something they want to make up that they might talk about.

To help, here is the PowerPoint / PDF we used in class last week;

Speech marks – revision – PowerPoint

Speech marks – revision  – PDF

Click here for the BBC Bitesize video about speech marks.

Reading – complete one combo on Reading Plus

Tuesday – The Dragon Slayer

Watch the Dragon Slayer video.  This video has no words and at the end the children should create a list of all the adjectives to describe how the character feels during the film.  The baby dragon’s feelings will change a lot!

Try to think of synonyms for the obvious words such as happy and sad, and try to come up with around 15-20 different words.  You can always search online too for different ideas or use a Thesaurus if you have one at home.

Reading – complete one combo on Reading Plus or one vocabulary activity on it.


Watch the film again.

Stop the film at 5 points where you think the dragon will have different feelings.

Write 1 piece of speech that you think the dragon might have said, each time you pause it (so 5 in total).  You need 2 with the reporting clause at the start (The dragon cried, “I am hungry!”) and 2 with the reporting clause at the end (“I am hungry!” the dragon cried.)  You can then pick which other one you are going to write for your 5th.

Try to extend the reporting clause too (cried the baby dragon whilst shaking his head).

Reading – no requirement to complete Reading Plus today unless you want to do an extra task.


Finish off any work you need to and complete pages 60 and 61 of the CGP home learning books all about speech marks.

Reading – complete one combo on Reading Plus


Introduction to Fronted Adverbials – see PowerPoint below and worksheet to complete.  If you can’t print them off, simply write out the answers on your own sheet of paper.

Watch this BBC short video if it helps.

Fronted adverbials word mat

Front Adverbials – Friday – PDF

Front Adverbials – Friday – PowerPoint

Fronted Adverbials – Friday sorting task

If you haven’t got a printer at home, simply draw the tables on some paper and write in the new words, or write them on paper, cut them out and stick them on.

Reading – message Mr Hollingworth on Reading Plus and let him know how the week has gone, what you have been up to and how you have found the work.

Maths – Measuring Mass

This week we are working on Mass – understanding units of measurement and reading scales.  There is a range of materials, including videos, BBC Bitesize, work sheets and things you can do at home.

One of the best ways to learn is by doing – so getting any scales out at home would be great as reading the units, measuring, baking, making and cooking can be great ways to learn.


Times Tables – Start with 10 minutes on TTR as you have all been set the 3 times table.

Today you are learning all about different units of measurement for mass.

Watch this video about understanding the units of mass.

Follow this PowerPoint / PDF and read out the sentences as we do in class – remember full sentence answers!

Monday – comparing mass – PDF

Monday – comparing mass – PowerPoint

Tuesday – Comparing Mass.

Times Tables – Start with 10 minutes on TTR as you have all been set the 3 times table.

Today you are going to revisit comparing mass, but introduce numbers to your comparison, along with symbols.

Watch this video here about comparing mass and using symbols.  Some of this will be familiar to you.

Complete this worksheet if you can print it off, or write out the full sentences on sheets of paper and fill in the gaps.

Tuesday – comparing mass worksheet

Wednesday – Measuring Mass

Times Tables – Start with 10 minutes on TTR as you have all been set the 3 times table.

Watch this BBC Bitesize quiz about reading scales and try and answer the questions the children are asked.

Complete this activity; Wednesday – reading scales worksheet

This is a great chance to get the measuring jugs and scales out.  Whilst I know we are measuring mass, being able to read a scale is vital because that will work with scales for volume/capacity, length and mass.

Follow this PowerPoint / PDF and see if you can answer the questions about the scales.  You will probably need some parent help for this.

Wednesday – measuring mass 1 – PDF

Wednesday – measuring mass 1 – PowerPoint

Wednesday – measuring mass worksheet 1

Challenge; If you found that straight forward and want a challenge, have a go at these.

Wednesday – measuring mass 2 – PDF

Wednesday – measuring mass 2 – PowerPoint

Wednesday – measuring mass worksheet 2


Watch this video about finding the different in measurements of mass.  Stop around 8 minutes, or continue to watch for challenges.

There is no written activity to do today.


Complete your work on MyMaths

Play 10 games in Studio on TTR.

Play 3 games in Soundcheck on TTR and record your highest score.

Gold – full marks.

Silver – over 20.

Bronze – over 10.

Times Table Rockstars:

Focus this week is the 3 times tables.

If you want to do a daily Times Table Rockstar challenge the same way we do in lessons, then attached are sheets that we would have used for the 3 session in class.  Parents can carers can access the music we play in class here.

Home learning – 3 times table



Open the attached PowerPoint or PDF with some examples of work by John Brunsdon.  Follow the instructions to start using blocks of colours to create your own.

Home learning – art – PDF

Home learning – art – PowerPoint


Last week we looked at the different environmental regions around the globe, such as tropical, polar, desert and temperate.  This week we start to look at what those different regions are like.

This BBC Bitesize video has a short introduction to the main biomes.

There is a blank world map attached.  Use symbols, as suggested on the PowerPoint / PDF presentation to create a idea on the world map where these climate zones are.  Don’t worry about some of the smaller zones – you probably won’t fit all the areas on, but make sure you have the general idea of the main different areas of climate zones.  If you haven’t got a printer at home, trace the map from the screen of your computer and create you own.

Home learning – blank world map

Home learning – biomes – PDF

Home learning – biomes – PowerPoint

If you wish to do further research of your own then do – maybe research one biome that you have the most interest in?

I (Mr Hollingworth) am available via Class Dojo during the week,  Please contact me if you have any queries.    Feel free to send me pictures of work, and also keep work for when we return to school.

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