Year 6 have had great fun over the last two weeks in their Geography block. They have been introduced to a number of new skills – linked to their Peace Keepers topic. They started off with some cartography (looking at maps) to locate the position of cities, towns and counties in the UK. After this t
A wet and woolly day for Year 1. They are enjoying learning about construction in nature, how animals keep themselves safe, what materials they might need, what shapes we might see. Thinking about animals and birds that nest, they searched in the woodland for twigs and leaves to create nests of thei
The focus for the past two weeks has been on light and dark and day and night. We have listened to ‘Can’t you sleep, little bear?, ‘Sleep tight, little bear’ and ‘Night Monkey, Day Monkey’. This has resulted in the children discussing whether it is light or dark in our bear cave and how
Today we were lucky enough to have visitors from Costain who came in to talk to the children about the ongoing improvements being made to the A1 and how it has impacted on wildlife. Our visitors were called Mark and Emma and first of all they talked about the importance of roads and what we use them
In their Forest School session Reception children were learning about the way that different animals behave as the seasons change. Squirrels hiding their nuts to ensure food through the winter and which animals might hibernate. What would you want if you were spending the winter asleep? Shelter from
We are delighted to announce, Harlow Green Primary School are supporting Road Safety GB NE in their regional campaign urging fans to give drink and drug driving the boot during the World Cup. Hao Xuan Guo, Tiayana-Mai Wylie, Holly McKenry, Louie Wood, Joseph Topping and Ava Sweeney all took part in
We got anti-bullying week 2022 off to a great start today with hundreds of odd socks around school! Anti-bullying Week 2022 is coordinated in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. It takes place between Monday 14th and Friday 18th November and this years theme is Reach Out. On Monday 14th
Today the children enjoyed coming into school wearing their wackiest odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. The children also designed some odd socks and enjoyed discussing what they like about their friends. The children also recapped which adults are always there if they need someone to
For the past two weeks in Maths, Year Six have been learning about fractions. To begin with, the children realised that they needed to use their knowledge of multiples and factors in order to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions. Adding and subtracting fractions was the next learning w
To mark Armistice Day this year, the children have had class assemblies about Remembrance and the children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 watched a live assembly via zoom held by the literacy trust in partnership with The British Legion . Every child in school, has also created their own poppy made from a p