Welcome back to Reading Stars – ready for 2022-2023. The children have been back three weeks now and have all completed initial assessments on Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader. This gives them a starting level to read from. They have then started to access the programmes by reading different shor
This morning all the children brought in their favourite teddy bears or cuddly toys to have a teddy bear picnic. The children listened to some bear songs and enjoyed milk or water, a range of fruit and some teddy bear crisps. Article 28 – We all have the right to a good quality education.
On Friday, a professional bike mechanic “Dr Bike” brought their mobile bike workshop to school. Dr Bike performed a series of free safety checks including checking and realigning breaks, adjusting gears, fixing punctures and topping up tyres with air. We hope this session was useful for all families
This week, we have begun to explore our first topic in Reception, ‘Marvelous Me’. We started with thinking about what we look like and talking about how we all have similarities and differences. The children went on to create their own self portraits using a combination of paints and oil pastels
This half term we are working on gymnastics’ techniques and skills – starting on jumps and landings and then balances and holds. We have created sequences with these and then this week looked at travelling around the room at different heights using a variety of equipment. Children worked in small
Everyone in Year One enjoyed our history lessons this week. The children are learning about Mary Anning, the first person in England to excavate dinosaur fossils. They firstly listened to the story ‘Dinosaur Lady’. Then they had a go at being a palaeontologist just like Mary Anning. Carefully, they
Today the children in Nursery had lots of fun following a recipe to make porridge. After it was cooked, some of the children decided to add some strawberry jam or golden syrup to their porridge. Although it tasted delicious, we all agreed that Goldilocks shouldn’t have eaten the 3 bears’ porridg
After the sad loss of The Queen, it was lovely for the children and residents to celebrate her life and love of the outdoors in The Platinum Parterre garden, we created together, to mark her Jubilee. The new greenhouse is going up and the planting has taken root, the foliage is flourishing and the p
We have had a fantastic time altogether in Nursery this week for the first time and we are extremely proud of all of the children settling into our routine of daily life. This week we have focused on ‘The Colour Monster’ and ‘The Colour Monster Goes to School’, which led to us talking about
Year 6 wasted no time getting back out into the Forest School this week. Miss Rowe asked them to investigate any changes across the site and then they worked together to set up some new areas and make any necessary repairs. During the holidays our tree surgeons removed a large lime tree from the gro