Today, Year 2 went on a trip to St Mary’s Heritage Centre in Gateshead. They learned all about The Great Fire of Gateshead. First, they learned all about the building they were standing in. St Mary’s Heritage Centre is a church that is 850 years old. It is made of stone and has stained glass windows
In RE, we have been exploring Christianity. We have looked at the ten commandments and ranked them from what we thought was the most important to least important. We then went on to learning about the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. We explored the story and looked at the eight beatitudes, learning how t
This week in English, we have’ wrapped up’ our half term unit using different versions of the Cinderella story as stimuli. The skill focus for this week was to understand the purpose of inverted commas used to mark speech, and to create their own speech sentences using inverted commas in the correct
All of Year One have been enjoying learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali as part of their RE lessons. They learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and it is celebrated by lighting Diya lamps, giving presents and sweets and enjoying fireworks. Rangoli patterns are created outside houses
This week the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 enjoyed our Halloween disco. Mrs Taylor, members of our PTA and school staff helped out with the Halloween celebration. The children’s costumes were ‘spooktacular’ so much so that it was difficult to make out who was under the masks and face paint. W
Over the past two weeks, Year Six have been studying different sketching techniques in Art lessons. The children looked at how to represent texture, light and shadow, perspective, reflection and movement. First, they practised their skills by sketching a realistic apple and a scene where mountains a
Reading for pleasure and generating a love of text is of such importance at Harlow Green. In the past, children have enjoyed ‘Reading Buddies’ during events like World Book Day, but we have decided that this is something we want to promote every half-term. Classes have been ‘buddied’ up, with older
In RE, Year 2 have been learning all about Christian weddings. They learned that a Christian is someone who believes in God and follows the teachings of Jesus. First, the children found out who takes part in a Christian wedding. As well as the bride and groom, there is a priest, a best man and, some
Christmas Dates Information_2022
This week we have continued our topic learning under the theme “Little Bear and Me”. We started off the week by listening to a story called ‘Kipper’s Birthday’ and making, decorating and eating birthday cakes for Kipper by following a recipe. We had lots of fun wrapping presents, playing p