

In partnership with Gateshead Council’s Road Safety Team, we were given the opportunity for six children to represent the school in a “Don’t Drink and Drive” World Cup campaign. The campaign was photographed beside the Angel of the North on Tuesday afternoon alongside Northumbria Police and Ty


Friday night is fitness night for some Year 6 children as they stay for an after school fitness session. They do a range of exercise sessions from boxing workouts, to core workouts and always put in 100% effort. getting into good fitness habits at an early age cannot be underestimated as it sets you


This week in English, we have read the next story in our book ‘Beowulf and the Sea-hag’.  We have explored how Beowulf’s emotions have changed throughout the story, from defeating Grendel to going to hunt the Sea-hag (his mother). Next week, we are going write instructions to inform Beowulf how to


In Art, Year Two have been learning all about Henri Matisse. They learned that Henri Matisse was a famous artist, who was born in France. When he first became an artist, he liked to paint but, after he had had an operation, he started to create collages. He called this ‘painting with scissors’. The


This week, Year 4 and Reception came together to share their love of reading. The children buddied up, found a cosy place to sit and shared some stories. The Year 4 children loved reading to the Reception children and some of the Reception children enjoyed reading to the Year 4 children too! They sh


This week we have continued our topic learning under the theme “Marvellous Me”. We learnt all about harvest and talked about foods that are healthy for us. We all had fun digging up the vegetable patch in our garden, peeling and grating the vegetables to make out own vegetable soup and having a


It has been wonderful to have some of our Reception parents and carers into school over the last few weeks to take part in a family autumn crafts session. The children thoroughly enjoyed having their families in school to complete a number of craft activities such as making headbands, masks, puppets