

In Year 3, the boys and girls have been developing their printing skills during our Art topic. The children began by learning how to roll the ink and explored the patterns created using different textures. Once the children were confident using the ink and roller, they used their skills to create a


Art has been so much fun for the last two weeks.  The children learnt about the primary colours – red, blue and yellow and then experimented with different styles of printing.  Firstly they printed with a range of objects such as Lego, cups and sponges.  We noticed that sometimes the colours merg


The the Year 3 Tennis Club is now in its third week of training.  With an eye on the Gateshead tournament scheduled for the summer term, the squad has started working hard to learn the two main shots required to hit the ball over the net – forehand and backhand. The children have been learning that


Following on from our Autumn treasure hunt, the children produced lots of different artwork such as Autumn wreaths and self-portraits using their findings. The children also listened to a story called ‘Happy Little Squirrel’ and discussed what hibernate means, which animals hibernate in the wint


This week our RE focus has been on Christianity and the Miracles of Jesus.  We looked at some of the traditional miracles like calming the sea and healing the sick and then looked at what made these miracles.  We then looked at the events surrounding the Hudson River plane accident and whether thi


This week in Art, the children were introduced to the artform of ‘batik’. This process involves a design being traced onto a piece of cloth, which is then covered with wax. The piece of cloth is then dyed and the wax removed. Once removed, the cloth will reveal an intricate pattern as the dye will n


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about Information Technology (IT). They know that information technology is a computer or something that works with a computer. Over the last few weeks, the children have been identifying examples of IT in school, at home and in the wider world. This wee