

This week in Year 4, the children were given clues to try and decipher what their new reading book in English would be. The first clue was a metallic egg. There were many different predictions as to what this could be. Some children thought it might be a chocolate egg, whereas others thought it migh


This week, Year Two were set the task of making a mask similar to a character in their new book. First, they had to cover their paper plate with brown tissue paper. Next, they added eyes, teeth, a nose and horns to their mask. The children had lots of guesses as to who the character could be. Some s


It has been a busy week in Year 6 as the children hit the ground running upon their return to school. They have had clues to gradually reveal their English book for the half-term (Friend or Foe); have studied numbers up to 99 million; applied for roles and responsibilities in school during PSHE less


After what we hope has been a wonderful summer for you all, we are very much looking forward to our children returning to school on Tuesday 6th September, along with our new Reception class starting their first day. When returning from a summer break, it always takes a little time to re-adjust and t


Say cheeeeeeeese – it was a perfect week for a photograph in the sunshine!  What a great year for all of our children in Year 4 – it has flown past. From Greek pots to persuasive letters, times tables to food chains, squeezing bread and Cola through tights to visits to the Hindu temple – we have co


In our Design  and Technology work this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been designing and creating a medieval catapult. Our work began with research into attacks on castles and methods that would have been employed such as mining or undertaking a siege. As part of our research, the childre


Today, we say goodbye to our Year 6 children. Throughout the year, they have made us extremely proud – from their effort in their SATs; to their exemplary behaviour and attitude at Ford Castle; and then to their fantastic performance in the Leaver’s Show. Leaving is always difficult and we are sure