

This half term, Year 5 have been learning how to describe the weather in French.  In each lesson, the children had the opportunity to practise the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in the target language. At first, the children learnt 9 key phrases to describe different types of we


In Reception this week, we read ‘Lucy and Tom at the Seaside’, by Shirley Hughes.  The children enjoyed sharing their own experiences of seasides on Tapestry, especially since lots of children went to the seaside over half term.  One of our creative tasks this week was to create a seaside scen


In English, Year Two have started to read their new book, The Snail and the Whale. Before they could start learning about their book, the children had to follow clues to find it. The clues were hidden all around the classroom – on the sink, next to the globe and behind a door. The boys and girls lis