

It was a pleasure to take Year One to Souter Lighthouse this week.  Fortunately the sun was shining all day long.  Our first activity was rock pooling on the beach.  All the children were given buckets and nets and after a long walk down to the water’s edge, everyone was excited to start looking


What an amazing afternoon we had on Wednesday at our sport’s day!  Thank you to everyone who attended. The boys and girls were very enthusiastic and showed excellent sportsmanship cheering on their fellow team mates.  Everyone made a valuable contribution to their team and a number of children wer


What an amazing afternoon we have had! The boys and girls have loved participating in this year’s sports day events. Luckily, the weather was on our side. It was wonderful to welcome back all of the parents and carers to our school for what will have been their first time attending sports day. They


Today we finished off our Greek topic in Geography with a Greek salad in DT!  We drew on our knowledge of food safety and hygiene, linked back to our Pizza Express visit, and we washed our hands, our work stations and rolled up our sleeves to make our salad.  We revisited chopping methods discusse


This week at Angel Court the children took the photos. As you can see as the planting becomes more established, the garden is becoming a bright and beautiful place. Colour and texture all around. Todays session saw the children making some seed balls that will be sown both at Angel Court and at scho


As part of our PSHE topic this term on relationships and understanding ourselves in the world, today we looked at the connections we have with others in our class. We made a connection-chain based around the things we have in common that link us.  Our connections to things give us a sense of belong