

Year One have been having fun with fractions this week. The week started off by learning what half means and finding half of a shape. The children enjoyed cutting out shapes, folding them in half and colouring in one half of the shape. Next we focused upon finding half of a quantity. Firstly, we use


Today, Year 5 were lucky enough to go on a school trip to the Centre for Life! The exhibitions currently on link closely to our Science topic of Space, and so the children were very excited to learn more! They took part in a workshop all about surviving in space, and the staff of the centre helped t


This week, Year Six have been making Roman chariots in Design Technology lessons. The brief was to construct a Roman chariot that could hold cubes and race along a track. First, the children researched chariots and learned that the Romans used them for war, hunting and, primarily, for sport. Next, t


This week, KS came to visit the children in Year 3 with Mrs Cunningham. All of the children really enjoy speaking to KS and Mrs Cunningham. The boys and girls reviewed the rules for children from Kidsafe to keep their bodies safe. They know that they are the boss of their bodies and that no one is a


Since Easter, Year 4 have been learning about programming in Computing using FMS Logo and directing a ‘screen turtle’ to draw shapes and patterns.  We started by simply directing the turtle around the screen, drawing lines and simple squares.  We progressed onto letters, more complex shapes and th


A busy week in our Forest School. Reception built dinosaur nests and as you can see they are are moving and handling the wild resources with confidence and maturity. Some other children worked with clay or collected special items for our Forest Museum board. Meanwhile the strawberries were weeded an


The children in Nursery have enjoyed learning all about kings, queens, princesses, and princes in preparation for our Jubilee Party on the last day of term. We have made our own crowns and necklaces and produced artwork of the Queen. Nursery discussed what they would like at their Royal Jubilee Teap