In RE, we have been learning about the different festivals held in the Hindu religion. Last Friday, the children looked at the festival of Navratri and learned that this festival celebrates good over evil. The festival of Navratri is celebrated at the end of September or the beginning of October;
Gateshead Libraries have a range of workshops and activities over the summer. Look at the website below for anything that might interest you.–gateshead/gateshead-library/ The Summer Reading Challenge is back in Inspire libraries this summer! This year
With lighter nights, I’m finding even more time to read at the minute and am loving the range of new books that are available in bookshops at the moment. For anybody who hasn’t ever been, Seven Stories in Newcastle is now free entry and it is a magical world of books and stories that can provide hou
Thank you once again for attending the Summer Fayre on Thursday 23rd June. We hope you all thoroughly enjoyed your afternoon. Harlow Green PTA are already planning their next school event so watch this space. Congratulations to the below raffle ticket winners, please come to the school office to cla
The children in Reception have thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Hall Hill Farm today. We had a great time meeting all the farmyard animals and even feeding a few. After lunch, we enjoyed holding baby chicks, guniea pigs and rabbits and even feeding a baby lamb with a bottle. We rode on the bumpy tract
In our final Geography topic of the year, year 5 have been developing their map skills. The children began by consolidating what they knew about using atlases to find locations. They practiced reading the index and using the page number then simple grid coordinates to find a location. They also lear
In Maths, Year Two have been learning how to tell the time. First, they learned about o’clock and half past. They were able to explain that when the minute hand points to twelve, it is o’clock, and when it points to six, it is half past, because it has moved half way around the clock. Next, it was t
This week Year One have had a very special treat. They have been given the opportunity to work with a specialist gymnastics coach. Firstly, the children learnt various shapes that they would need to perform different rolls safely. The children learnt how to make a tuck shape, a pike shape and a stra
This week, the boys and girls in Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Alnwick Castle. After learning about the features of a castle in class, they were all really keen to see which of these they could spot as they explored the castle and its grounds. The children were lucky enough to participate in two workshop
On Tuesday, Class 4B travelled to the Metrocentre to take part in a school visit to Pizza Express. When we arrived, we met the head chef and we learnt why some chefs wear white hats or black hats. Then, the fun began! After washing our hands and pulling up our sleeves, the pizza making commenced! Th