

Is it too early to think about Christmas? Definitely not! Dark nights = curled up reading all cosy in the house! I love the new books that come out each year at Christmas and have developed quite a collection of picture books and chapter stories that are annually read during the festive period – and


This week at school it has been ‘Anti-bullying Week’ and in Nursery we have all enjoyed wearing odd socks! This prompted a discussion about  ‘how it is ok to be different, and nobody is the same.’  We read the story ‘Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly’, which is all about two best friends lik


The children were excited to start a new Design Technology project this week. The week started off with some research into how toys move. The pupils had fun playing with pop-up books, Hungry Hippo, wind up toys and toys with a lever mechanism. They learnt that all toys that move need a mechanism suc


Over the last two weeks, the children in Year 6 have been undertaking Geography work linked to their World War Two topic. They used atlases to locate areas in the UK where children had been evacuated from and to, used a London Underground Map to locate German spies using compass directions and locat


In Geography this week, we have been looking at why the world is divided into different zones. We have learnt about circles of latitude and know that the Earth is split into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. We have also looked at different climate zones; Tropical, Arctic, Temperate and Mediterrane


Reception have started their gymnastics PE sessions for this half term. The boys and girls are learning how to travel around the room in a safe way like a gymnast would in the Olympics. They started their learning by looking at different videos of British Olympic gymnasts to get an idea of what gymn