This week, the children have had a great time learning about Easter. We read the Easter Story from the Usbourne children’s bible and talked about what Easter means to Christians. We tasted hot cross buns at snack time and we made chocolate nests. In our literacy books we spotted Easter eggs hi
After having a break from our Easter egg decorating competition, it has been absolutely fantastic the response we have received this year as you will see from the pictures below. There is a vast array of designs showing skill, creativity and hard work. The judging took place on Thursday by the Right
Year One had a fantastic time at Beamish this week and luckily, the sun was shining. The children were thrilled to be going on a coach at last and after an immensely exciting bus journey, we arrived at Beamish. We tried to visit as many places at Beamish as possible. The children enjoyed the far
In Science, Year Two have been learning all about personal hygiene. They learned that keeping themselves clean and tidy means they can live a healthier and happier life. Year Two learned about lots of different ways they can have good personal hygiene, including brushing their teeth, wearing clean c
As part of our end of term activities, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in a class quiz focussed around their foundation subjects (History, Art, Geography, Science, PE etc) whether it is individually on the iPads or as a class, using the interactive quiz tool – Mentimeter. The teachers
Over the last half-term, the children in Year 6 have explored the issues and ideas in the short story ‘Varmints.’ This book is a picture book, but it contains many thought-provoking images and the message behind it about caring for our planet is one that we should all heed. After learning different
Year 5 have particularly enjoyed their biscuit making project in Design and Technology this half term. Firstly, we looked at food products that originate from South America and how they can be sourced sustainably. We also looked at the effects that can occur when products, such as palm oil from the
What a long way Year 2 have come in their Forest School journey. This morning they were totally immersed in the woodland. Building dens, creating games, planning and building bug houses, sharing skills, building new relationships, becoming leaders, the list goes on. More than all these things though
The children in Year 4 have been getting creative with composition. The aim was to compose and perform a rap. The children came up with their own topic which had to be something they were passionate about, the most popular being friendship, saving the environment and pets. They began their lyrics by
Although there are concerns about a rise in cases of Covid-19, the national guidance for the public and for schools is that we are now in the stage of ‘living with Covid’. The last two years have been a long and exhausting period which has been unprecedented in many ways. Over this time, we have b