

Presentation is extremely important and each week, children across the school are rewarded for their presentation, by achieving a place on the ‘Perfect Presentation’ hall of fame. Throughout school, children work extremely hard to achieve their pen licence. They have to practise their joins and get


To continue our History topic of Anglo-Saxons, Year 5 took a trip to Jarrow Hall! After arriving, Year 5 were split into two groups. The first group was taken around the functioning farm at Jarrow Hall and looked at animals that would have been used on an Anglo-Saxon farm. Despite the cold, the chil


On Thursday, Year 5 had the amazing opportunity to participate in a workshop centred around designing a temporary shelter for homeless people. To start the day, Year 5 met the team they would be working with throughout the day and heard an important story of someone who had been homeless to get a fe


In one of our Maths lessons this week, we set the children a challenge.  They had to investigate different combinations of numbers to make an exact  total.  The boys and girls were presented with a question:  ‘Which skittles must they knock down to make  5 and then 6?’  The children used doubl


In RE, the boys and girls have been learning about the importance of Moses to people of the Jewish faith. They enjoyed listening to the story before ordering the events and verbally retelling it to their partners. The children were all very curious and asked some great questions along the way. They


Over the last two weeks, in DT, the children in Year 6 have made a working Morse Code transmitter. Firstly, they had to find out what a Morse Code transmitter did. After this, they designed their product. The children remembered how to create a circuit using their knowledge from Science and applied


In PE, Year Two have been learning how to play dodgeball. They learned that dodgeball is played with two opposing teams on either side of the court. There is not one, but two, aims in the game. The first is to eliminate players from the other team, by hitting them with the ball. The second is to avo