In Science, we are currently studying materials and particles and how we can change their state. This week we looked at melting and freezing, and the conditions that help water to change state. We used ice cubes placed in different locations to see which ones melted the fastest or slowest and then
On Friday 18th March, we all came to school wearing our red clothing, face paints, hair dye and noses. We filled the day with laughter telling jokes to our friends and judging the funniest phase of teachers. For Comic Relief this year, as a school community we have managed to raise… £398.38 The m
Year 6 children enjoyed a visit from Chef Nick, where they worked in groups to prepare and cook their own Mexican dishes – a chilli and burritos. The chef discussed healthy living and the importance of a balanced diet. It was interesting to see the children mixing the spices with the raw chicken a
The children in Year 6 have been learning about volume. To begin with, they used multilink cubes to make 3D shapes of given volumes and learnt that shapes with the same volume can look very different. Then, they used the cubes to make 3D shapes from pictures and find their volumes. The children
Red Nose Day is a fundraising event run by Comic Relief which aims to create a world free of poverty. The money raised is used to transform lives in the UK and around the world. As a school we believe that raising money for charity is a way of promoting a positive, caring attitude amongst our childr
Understanding Religions This week Reception learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi, which is a Spring festival of colour. In art we used many colours of paint and powder to create splatter paintings and explored colour mixing with primary colours. We practiced developing our scissor skills by cutti
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their first trip in 2 years to the Sunderland Winter Gardens and Museum. As part of their spring topic ‘Life in the rainforest’, and their geography topic about world biomes, year 5 took part in a rainforest workshop. They learnt about the different layers of a rainforest:
Everyone is so happy that spring is finally here. This week Year One took the opportunity in a science lesson to find signs of spring outside. First of all, we noticed that the weather is becoming warmer and the sun is shining for longer during the day. Then the children discovered that new buds are
Learning about fire is a important life skill. From choosing where to position a fire, to using fire pit, fire safety and methods of ignition, from fireside activities and crafts, to extinguishing it at the end of the day, the children will be taught these skills during their Forest School sessions.
Lots of excitement and anticipation in Year 2 this week to see if there was more evidence of Sprites on our site. You may not know much about Woodland Sprites, they are clever little creatures who are guardians of our natural world. From the trees above to the soil below and everything in between.