

During our science lessons in Year 3 this term, the children will be learning all about light. The children generated lots of interesting questions they would like to find the answers to during our work, such as ‘Are there light sources in space?’ This week, the children have investigated light sour


This week, Year Six have taken part in lots of physical activity. They have learned drills in Tag Rugby lessons; 6B went for their first swimming lesson; and 6A enjoyed some fun in the sun with team games and races. Health is one of the key aspects of the school curriculum and is one of the main dri


As we move towards some sort of normality and restrictions are eased, schools still must manage various aspects for their large communities.  Within Gateshead, Covid-19 management is done in conjunction with the Council’s Public Health Team so that there is a common approach across all our schools.


This week, lots of boys and girls came back to school and started their new year group. In Year 2, we have been amazed at how sensible, hard-working and cheerful the children have been. We have been delighted to see their wonderful writing. The children wrote sentences all about their Summer holiday


Our mission was to find the missing, deadly dinosaurs hidden in the school grounds. First the children all joined in with a dinosaur chant. “We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, we’re going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day,  we’re not scared!” Everyone searched high and low for the missing dinos