This term Year One are learning all about non-fiction books. On Monday the title of the book was revealed – Let’s Build a house. To launch the book, the children had to use equipment found in the classroom to build a house, the only criteria being that they must include walls, a roof, windows
This week, the children have been introduced to their new English text – Varmints. At first, we needed to define what a varmint was by making links with other words such as vermin. The first work all came from a book trailer – the link is below- where we were able to develop first impressions of the
Pancakes around the fire for our Year 4 and Reception children this week. Whilst they ate, the older children could practice their whittling skills and try their hand at using flint and steels. Hungry work indeed. This kind of task needs a calm environment and patience, the children worked together
This week, the boys and girls revealed their new English text – The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. They explored numerous book covers for the Iron Man and made predictions about the story. Everyone was excited to start reading and to find out about the ‘metal giant’. The children used the description in
After another fun World Book Day where our children have been able to come from loving homes to a safe and supportive school environment, the dire situation in Ukraine is brought into even starker reality. The vast majority of us cannot fully comprehend what it is like for families who are impacte
Today, has been a celebration of books across Harlow Green as children and staff alike have dressed as their favourite characters to celebrate the 25th World Book Day. World Book Days’ mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book
Today, marks the 25th World Book Day and children, and staff, have had great fun dressing up as their favourite book characters. The teachers in each class have had an almost impossible job deciding on just one winning costume – from the most creative, to the most interesting, to ones linked to a bo
This week some of our children have had the chance to have a go on our brand new outdoor gym equipment. The equipment is for children in KS2 and they will have an opportunity at playtimes and lunchtimes to use it after some training on the different stations. Each piece of equipment is designed
Dear parents/carers, We all hope that families have had an enjoyable, safe and relaxing time over half term. Having been able to recharge batteries, we are happy to see children returning today with smiles on their faces, happy to see their friends and teachers. As you will know, the Government ma
In Reception this week, we enjoyed blasting off to space. We read ‘ The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers which inspired us to learn more about space. For homework, the children learnt a space fact and then enjoyed sharing them at group time. We found out about stars and made our own constellat