

This week we have been looking at angles and the properties of shapes.  We have been looking for acute, obtuse and right angles, along with describing shapes by the angles that they have.  Next we will be looking at the sides – discussing parallel, converging, diverging and whether they are equal


Continuing our topic on the ‘Great Outdoors’, this week, we found out all about ladybirds.  We listened to the story, ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson and discussed how the animals managed to trick the robbers and save the prize cow. We looked at the map of the farm that the robbers had


In Geography this half term, Year 5 are learning all about the world! We started off this series of lessons by discussing how we find something on the earth, and what we would do if the internet wasn’t working when we needed to use Google maps! The idea of longitude and latitude were introduced as a


Year 6 have been enjoying some ‘Rob’s Kitchen’ music during assembly times. A particular favourite, are the ‘Cup’ challenges which focus on rhythm and following a beat. Click on the video links below to see the children enjoying themselves trying to keep up – especially in Challenge 2! Challenge 1


Dear Parent/Carer, I am sure families will be aware of the announcement from the Prime Minister yesterday that the most current restrictions will continue to be in place for a few more weeks.  The planned wider reopening on the Monday 21st June has been moved to Monday 19th July, to allow further r


We have been looking at growing this week and together we have read the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’. Following on from the story we have explored different beans: kidney beans, black-eyed beans, cannelli beans, and runner beans. We have sorted them by size, colour and type. The children wanted


This term in Year 2, we are reading Where the Wild Things Are in English. We will be basing lots of our English lessons based on this story. At the beginning of the week, the children didn’t know what our text was going to be so we created masks of one of the characters. Based on their masks, lots o


In Year 2, we have been extremely lucky this week to have an additional PE session led by Mr McMann! The children participated in 8 different activities challenging them in lots of different ways! The first activity required the children to complete a two footed jump into hoops laid across the field