Linking to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch, The Great Woolly Worm Hunt is an exciting way to learn about birds and keep warm in the winter weather. This activity has been run across school with variations for age and ability. The children were read a traditional tale, The Magpie and the Birds Nests, t
This week, Year Two have been learning how to make different shapes with their bodies in Gymnastics. The children learned how to make shapes at different levels – on the floor, when sitting and when standing. Lots of the shapes the children learned were simple and straightforward to master, includin
As part of our topic on Journeys, we have been finding out about different types of transport this week. We read the rhyming story, ‘The Bus is For Us! by Michael Rosen, which explores different modes of transport we might travel on. The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming words and p
As part of the Art work being completed this half term, the children in Year 5 have been investigating colour. We discussed what constitutes a primary, secondary or tertiary colour, as well as how to achieve them, before comparing two blue boxes and explaining what the similarities and differences w
In Forest School this week, Reception children began their RSPB Big School Birdwatch out in the winter sunshine. In class, using their “hand” binoculars and telescopes, they were shown how much information our eyes can take in. How reducing that information by limiting peripheral vision focuses the
Year 4 started their RSPB Big School Birdwatch this week. Cold, calm and crisp weather made a change from the last few years when we’ve experienced very high winds, would that have an effect on the types and amounts of birds? We would have to see. In class, using their “hand” binoculars and telescop
Year 4 have been enjoying learning how to play Boccia over the last few weeks. Boccia is designed for athletes with high support needs. It is a target sport played indoors with soft leather balls and requires skill and tactical play. The children have begun to demonstrate those skills and referee th
In Science, the children in Year 6 have been learning about the human body. To begin with, they found out the main parts and function of the circulatory system. A song about the circulatory system helped the children to learn the names of important parts. Then, they labelled diagrams and explained i
RSPB WEEK The children in Nursery have taken an interest in birds this week. To attract more birds to our Nursery garden we have created bird feeders with lard, seed, cheerios, pipe cleaners, bread and junk modeling materials. We have enjoyed looking for birds outside using binoculars and clipboards
The children in Nursery have taken an interest in hairdressing. We set up a role-play hairdresser and they have loved taking on the role of hairdressers and barbers. We have been making appointments, choosing a colour, length, and styles. The children have enjoyed using different products and equipm